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Can you recall your first interaction with a computer? As for me, my initial contact with it happened at the tender age of four, and quite predictably, everything started from video games. Hours went by into thin air as I played Test Drive Unlimited demo repeatedly.

Discovering the power of Computers

Contrary to most people, my intrigue peaked where imagination and reality met. I could never align with the dystopia of something like Star Wars. Instead I was into driving games, imagining that I drive that car IRL. The same rationale extended to the likes of GTA - where I always made different scenarios in my mind, like being a cop, even though all I was doing was just free roaming, while all the missions were waiting for me.

That is why I love computers - they allow me to project my imagination beyond real life, and have instant access to whatever my mind wanders to.

Fast forward a few years, and my gaming was aimed at two specific games: Minecraft and Fifa. Little did I know that because of them, I would start my design career.

Starting my Design Career

In my attempt to create my own Fifa cover, I stumbled upon Photoshop CS6, after trying sketchy editors on the web. Soon I have found myself diving into Minecraft design projects that included thumbnails, banners, and more for YouTube. Entered Romanian design community, learned a bit of 3D using Cinema 4D, manipulating Minecraft skins, extruding and making different scenery. I learned how to color grade, use typography and more using Photoshop.

My desktop from back in 2015 sums everything up pretty nicely: